• Countdown to the beach

    Three days to go and we're off on our holidays. Spain with the boys, Claire and Ella. Then back home. Ditch children before heading down to Brighton. Last stop the Reading festival. Also selling/moving house, packing and working all at the same time. Wibbly Pig is going great. I've had to say goodbye to the first storyboard team Michelle and Peter and Marc Gordon. Thanks for the fantastic work folks.
    I'll be working with Marc again soon hopefully. Wib is due to air via Cbeebies in the UK, TVO and Knowledge Network in Canada.

    Other things are developing nicely. I'll hopefully step right into production on some cool new projects.

    Images are from rejected designs for Nick.

    2 comments → Countdown to the beach

    1. These are great! Cut out cardboard without cutting out?

    2. Sweet!
      Enjoy your well deserved holiday Jez, and try not to see wibbly's ears on your retina while you're relaxing at the beach.
      Get tanned!!!

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About Me

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I've worked in animation for 23 years. Specialising in storyboard and design. I've also directed, animated and art directed on various shows.