• Old dogs day

    I dug up some old stuff today. All with a dog theme.
    I did these brush pictures a few years back. I did 3 sketchbooks full of them. Funny how sometimes a character will grab you and you can't stop drawing it. I drew them straight down with a brush, you can tell by the dodgy bits

    This one's really old. He seems made up with his motor.

    This last one is not so old. Last year I think. Minds going. Its designed by my pal Vin James. I did the flashing up.

    6 comments → Old dogs day

    1. I like his floaty tail !!

    2. Anonymous said... 6:41 PM

      I remember some of them. Cool simplicity!

    3. They have such a bold immediacy.

      I love the spareness of these. Wow, as Alina might say. :¬)

    4. Love the dogs! Simple, warm. Excellent.

    5. These are amazing, Jez...I heard someone say: "When I think of DRAWING, I think of this!"

    6. Anonymous said... 8:41 AM

      I love the dogs here. Dust them off and do something with them.

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About Me

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I've worked in animation for 23 years. Specialising in storyboard and design. I've also directed, animated and art directed on various shows.